Friday 3 April 2009


I am one of the biggest fans of Spotify and have only started using it today!

What is Spotify? It is the new way of listening to music. You simply go to and download the application (it literally takes a few seconds) and you can start browsing for favourite songs, albums and artists for free, create your own playlists and share them with friends and it's completely free. Yeas Spotify is the step forward. No need for waiting for songs to download, you simply search for what you want to listen to and start enjoying it. Yeah, it's true that once in a while you have to listen to a short ad, but it almost makes you feel that you're listening to your personal radio station. You can choose not to listen to adverts for merely £9.99 a month but hey, I am not bothered! You can also download the songs similarly to Itunes so you've got so many options.

Such a simple and yet such a mindblowing idea. Read about it in the papers the other day and felt that it is definitely something worth trying. I was right!


  1. seamana cu


    eu, alina

  2. cica Not available in your country yet
