Sunday 1 March 2009

Just another London Sunday

I woke up again with a hungover. I told myself many times already that I should stop going out, drinking one too many glasses and waking up as if a horse ran me over. Yeah, I remember this was quite fun a few years back, but now it's becoming pathethic...

1st of March happens to be the birth date of a few of my friends and this week-end I had quite a few social comittmens. Today I had another birthday to attend in Guanabara, the Brazilian place in Holborn. Felt like shit throughout most of the day, but I told myself I am not saying NO to things anymore, so gathered some courage and went out. Wise choice, as I indulged myself in £3.20 Caipirinhas and free Forro classes.

I was dancing with a Brazilian guy who taught me the steps and the fact that dancers looks into eachothers eyes. I spent half the night watching the people dancing: everyone was taking the dancing seriously, partners changed all the time and they all simply enjoyed the dancing and the music. It was a refreshing change from the usual "let's all just get pissed" kind of place. Caipirinha was just a bonus, not a means to an end...

Feeling on top of the world after 5 Caipirinhas, I allowed myself yet again to dream about my South American forecoming trip and also made me think about the fact that the place wehere we all live shapes our beliefs and attitudes towards life. If I were living in Brazil, all I'll be thinking about would be waking up with a big smile on my face and celebrate life, whilst living in London makes me think about what to do to give a purpose to my life, when i'm in fact already living it...

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