Tuesday 13 January 2009

Thinking about the sun and the full moon

Trying to make my life more enjoyable in January, today I joined the gym.
I was looking at some friends' videos from Thailand on Facebook and became very nostalgic.
I saw The Beach again the other day and everything seemed so incredibly familiar. I could totally understand the extatic look on their faces when they first saw the beach, that is exactly how you feel: extatic.
I have a feeling I didn't take full advantage of the few days I spent in Thailand as if something more important was waiting for me back home. I should have savoured every second of it knowing that my time there was very short. Nothing important was waiting for me at home. All the so called plans I had didn't happen and I learned another lesson on how to enjoy the present and never rely on anything that seems certain.
I decided to save money and travel more and further away.
I decided to finally take writing seriously.
I decided to give chance a go.
I hope to return to sandy beaches, palm trees, sun and full moon.

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