Tuesday 27 January 2009

About sickness

Sickness means existing without being. Sure, people know you are there, but there is a minimal interaction, as sickness makes you weak and speaking to other people very exhausting.
You can't even read, going to the bathroom and terrible journey and all you can do is close your eyes again and let go.
You just exist hoping for the day when you will get your strenght back and be able to live again.
The worst thing about being sick is that is makes you painfully aware of how lonely you are.
Being sick reminds you of how great it is to feel the taste of food, to go about your daily routine and how moving in general is so rewarding.


  1. sunt zero. nu stiu ce sa-ti spun. asa ca spun doar atat: te iubesc. si mi-e dor de tine.

  2. Of, doamne, mie-mi spui!!!! Mie mi-e si mai dor de tine!!!
