Intr-o lume a relatiilor dintre barbati si femei care si-a pierdut de mult consistenta, am tot dat in ultima vreme peste o inventie relativ recenta: "prieteniile".
"Prieteniile" sunt in general relatii promovate de barbati, ce se caracterizeaza prin apelarea la beneficiile unei relatii, fara implicita tragere la raspundere si fara eventualele responsabilitati (care nu se mai definesc de mult prin ducerea gunoiului, repararea becului ars din baie sau montarea antenei satelit, ci doar prin un minim aport de respect si atentie fata de partenera) pe care o relatie in adevaratul sens al cuvantului le-ar putea eventual implica.
Reteta este in general aceeasi: la negocieri barbatul pune pe masa o "suma" infima mizand pe efectul "take it or leave it" care de regula da rezultate cu majoritatea celor de sex feminin.
Problema e ca, desi femeia nu ar fi total satisfacuta cu perspectiva oferita, dupa cateva nopti bocite, isi sterge lacrimile si decide ca mai bine "prietenie" decat singuratate si este, asadar, gata sa accepte orice.
Pana aici, desi reprobabila, metoda nu este complet de neinteles: doi adulti negociaza si ajung la o concluzie de buna voie si nesiliti de nimeni. Ceea ce mi se pare absolut condamnabil este ca reciprocitatea este de obicei aproape egala cu zero: totul se desfasoara in functie de programul barbatului si, desi femeia ia si de aceasta data fraiele in mana si propune un plan de actiune, dumnealui decide ca e un prea mare efort si pana si "pica para malaiata" e deja prea mult de indeplinit.
Nu intamplator am decis sa dezbat acest subiect. Imi pare ca in ultima vreme, "prieteniile" s-au inmultit ca ciupercile dupa ploaie si din pacate il gasesc un fenomen ingrijorator. Personal mi s-au propus prea multe "prietenii" in ultima vreme spre a le mai considera fenomene izolate si chiar colegei de apartament imi pare ca i se intampla ceva similar cu iubitul ei de 10 luni care dupa ce a parasit-o recent pe motivul ca isi dorea sa fie "single" din nou, acum se infrupta din plin din dulceata unei "prietenii cu beneficii minus responsabilitati" incat mi se pare de-a dreptul tragic s-o vad cum i se schimba starea de spirit de la o zi la alta de parca ar avea dubla personalitate si cum nesiguranta si influenta nefasta asupra spiritului a unui asemenea gen de relatii te poate face intr-un final sa-ti pierzi complet respectul fata de propria persoana.
Ma concentrez din plin in ultima vreme sa nu mai gandesc in clisee, sa nu mai generalizez, sa nu mai pic in plasa de a fi tentata sa strig in gura mare ca "barbatii sunt niste ticalosi" (asa cum o fac cele doua colege ale mele de apartament de cateva zile incoace) si sa nu mai am prejudecati despre barbati, insa intr-o lume in care "prieteniile" au inceput sa devina ceva normal, ma tem ca increderea mea intr-un viitor luminos in cuplu are nevoie de intariri serioase.
Si ca sa inchei totusi pe un ton optimist, am sa-l citez pe prietenul M. care, intrebat recent de o femeie nemultumita de ce barbatii sunt niste porci, el a raspuns candid (si e absolut adevarat!) ca el nu este unul dintre ei si ca nici prietenii lui nu sunt.
Relatiile sunt ca piata economica. Atata vreme cat mumncitori din tari in curs de dezvoltare accepta sa faca aceeasi munca pe bani mai putini, patronii isi vor urmari propriul interes si vor angaja forta de munca mai ieftina. Atata vreme cat vor exista femei gata sa accepte "prietenii", barbatii se vor multumi sa le vina totul usor, fara efort si fara responsabilitati. Dar la fel ca si intr-o economie stabila, atata vreme cat exista un loc de munca pentru fiecare, vor exista si oameni care nu vor rosti din nou temutul "Let's just be friends!"...
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Sunday, 4 October 2009
DTM (Don't Trust Men)
I had this perfect date on Friday. He was on time, the conversation was great, he was spontaneous (he took me for a midnight movie out of the blue), held my hand, made me feel like the most amazing woman in the world.
At 6 am this morning I received a text from him informing me that he got home ok after a crazy night (x). It hit me that he probably meant to send it to another girl and sent it to me. My initial reaction was to get upset and conclude that men are all the same, not to be trusted one inch.
I have trained myself to see the adverting signs if someone "is not that into me" but what do I do when there are no signs and he seems so much into me? How do you deal with men being such incredible actors and so talented seductors? I used to complain that lately men make no effort to conquer a woman, that the ancient art of courtship has been lomg forgotten and that it would be great for a change to find a man who makes a bit of effort to make me feel speacial. What I didn't take into account was the men who did make an effort to make me feel special - but did they really mean it?...
Despite what everyone would think, my reaction was very chilled. I decided that I will not play victim ever again and two can play this game, I can be in control of my own feelings and lead the whole thing. Better yet, be detached and laid back and see where it goes. After all, if he is on the market, I find it pretty normal that he may be reviewing other candi(dates) as I am doing the same. The best will always win.
Men are not the enemy. But they are not our friends either.
Today, my friend A. brought me flowers. She cut the pink roses nicely and professionally arranged them in a vase and offered them to me. It was the most honest and emotional gesture I've seen in a long time. Who needs a man to bring me flowers, when I have real friends to make my life so beautiful and rich?
At 6 am this morning I received a text from him informing me that he got home ok after a crazy night (x). It hit me that he probably meant to send it to another girl and sent it to me. My initial reaction was to get upset and conclude that men are all the same, not to be trusted one inch.
I have trained myself to see the adverting signs if someone "is not that into me" but what do I do when there are no signs and he seems so much into me? How do you deal with men being such incredible actors and so talented seductors? I used to complain that lately men make no effort to conquer a woman, that the ancient art of courtship has been lomg forgotten and that it would be great for a change to find a man who makes a bit of effort to make me feel speacial. What I didn't take into account was the men who did make an effort to make me feel special - but did they really mean it?...
Despite what everyone would think, my reaction was very chilled. I decided that I will not play victim ever again and two can play this game, I can be in control of my own feelings and lead the whole thing. Better yet, be detached and laid back and see where it goes. After all, if he is on the market, I find it pretty normal that he may be reviewing other candi(dates) as I am doing the same. The best will always win.
Men are not the enemy. But they are not our friends either.
Today, my friend A. brought me flowers. She cut the pink roses nicely and professionally arranged them in a vase and offered them to me. It was the most honest and emotional gesture I've seen in a long time. Who needs a man to bring me flowers, when I have real friends to make my life so beautiful and rich?
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