Sunday 12 February 2012

A very cold February


February it's been the coldest month of the winter so far. London's even seen some snow and as always lovers and haters of snow have been arguing about whether snow it's good or bad. I don't really care. I don't really care about the cold outside either because I finally learned to wrap up and keep the cold at bay. I also spend a lot of time indoors and when I do have to go out, it's simply painful...

I wonder why I do it though. It's almost like trying constantly to fill a void in my life, I am out doing things, meeting people, getting mentally exhausted. It almost feels like I should feel guilty about the time spent doing nothing. And the more I try filling my time with 'useful' activities, the more I want to stop doing them and just plainly do nothing. It's an interesting dilema I am going through this cold February... To do or not to do?...

I guess the answer is limiting myself to doing only one thing at the time and just to the important things in life. It almost feels I am chasing too many things, I am trying to improve too many aspects of my life all of the sudden and I am growing increasingly tired. My heart is getting cold and I just want some sunshine and a bit of slack from myself...


  1. You could always go out for a walk without meeting anyone, which I find refreshes the mind.
    And you won't need to worry about snow, because the weather in London is turning mild next week!

  2. Thank you for the advice, Zaki. I decided I will go for a long run instead. Just me and my Ipod ;)
