Thursday 29 September 2011

Life in a date free world

Life in a date free world is better than I ever thought it would be. It's almost as if, as often New Age philosophy claims, when you stop resisting a certain situation, the very same thing that frustrated you in the past, just disolves before your eyes.

I don't remember the last time I felt so carefree and so pleased with my life. Having no romantic expectations whatsoever definitely really pays off. No more a la Bridget Jones nightmares in the middle of the night of me as an old spinster, devoured by Alsacians.

I hardly ever check my phone anymore because, hey, there's no guy I am anxiously waiting for a text from, I have time for my friends, I don't do hangovers and I am enjoying my Power Plates sessions more than I used to enjoy a good Mojito and a cigarette on a hot summer night. It's pure bliss.

In fact, I do believe that things happen in a certain way to stear our mentality onto the right direction and perhaps I did have to reach dating bottom to finally get to this conclusion: that nobody can ever give you what you can't give yourself!

I find it increasingly interesting though how many people are fighting the same demons. I thought I may well be the only unlucky girl in the world that has to go through awful romantic situations while the world around me rejoices in honeymoons, houses in the country and dogs, children with embarassing names and plump cheeks, engagement rings and Facebook relationship status updates. But it turns out that there are many like me. Some still trying hard until it kills them, others accepting their shelf life, other just publicly laughing about it on Bad Even Stylist featured a few pieces on the subject, sign that it is indeed becoming a generalised issue and, perhaps unfortunately, a bit of a norm...

I recently came across this hilarious blog of a really cool girl who is writing about her internet dating experiences. Check it out, it's brilliant: The Racontourist!
I must say I admire her enthusiasm but it may very well be due to the fact that she is still only 25. I am on my way to become a 32 year old with a toned bottom and a bag full of 'I can't be bothered anymore'. That is because I really can't be. I've done it already, I embraced the possibilities of Internet dating, pub flirting, club pulling, I tried every weapon in my arsenal until I ran out of amunition. And you know what, I am truly glad I did. So I can spend my time on better things!

Like going to the gym and taking pleasure in it rather for than doing it because it will make me look better for others (it's because I want to like myself!), looking in the mirror and not seeing myself as someone who has failed to comply with the rules of society but as someone who has succeeded in surpassing them, enjoying every day come rain or shine, and being able to look at a handsome guy and think 'So what!'

Can't get better than that? ;)


  1. Hello! Found your page from a click through on mine, thanks for the nice words about my blog and the link!

    ''I tried every weapon in my arsenal until I ran out of amunition. And you know what, I am truly glad I did. So I can spend my time on better things!'' - this is the best mindset ever.

    RT xo

  2. Thank you, Racontourist ;) Very lovely thing to say.
    Must say I've really enjoyed your blog, it's hillarious. I am keeping up with it, can't wait to see what happens next ;)

