Sunday 17 October 2010

Being single

I have been single almost all my life. With the exception of a 4 years long relationship, which ended almost 3 years ago. But that's probably the exception that proves the rule, as they say.

In high school, I never had a boyfriend. I told myself I was a bit of a misfit and preferred to spend my week-ends reading literature than going out to the local disco (which, truth be told, was a real dump). I didn't lose my virginity in high school, which is probably a good thing. Not that it changed much - I was a bit of a naive late bloomer by the time I was in my twenties. Perhaps it would have been better if I started the dating game earlier. I would have been more equipped and probably looking back I would have been easier on myself, cutting myself some slack on the account of having been really young and immature.

But in reality things went a bit in a different way. I found myself in my twenties, knowing next to nothing when it came to boys. All I knew about them was that I liked them. Thank God, I was no lesbian! Everything else, was really wrong! I couldn't see bad news coming my way, even if they had it tattooed on their forehead. I was so blissfully unaware of the fact that things didn't happen like in fairy tales and that there were dating rules to follow and a commonly agreed coding system, that I truly believed that if a guy liked me, then he probably had the noblest intentions. And I suffered! I suffered profusely every time I got hurt. And I kept asking myself what was going wrong, without the faintest clue...I had such a bad impression of myself that I was terribly grateful to anyone that found me attractive. I didn't recognized my own power, even if it hit me in the face with a hammer.

So I remained single for most of my early twenties, until somebody decided I was girlfriend material. I didn't quite have a say in that, I just accepted it. For some reason, I used to think that things should just happen to me and I should just take them. Not for one second, did it crossed my mind that I could have a say in my love life.

After a few years, I realized that I wasn't quite happy and decided to take a risk and be single again. After all, I was in my late twenties and I should have known better by then. A couple of years later and I found myself making the same mistakes I used to make when I barely knew how to kiss. So it turned out that many years later, I was still as disabled as I was in my teens. Staggered by a string of disappointments, I kept crying myself to sleep and becoming less and less hopeful. I thought I would end up alone...

Strangely enough, I have spent such a long time being single, without learning how to be single and enjoy it. Having a conversation and a mouthful of chocolate with one of my closest friends the other day, I had a revelation. Actually two: 1) that too much chocolate can make you sick and 2) that I have only really been single for a year. Yes, that's right. He suggested that I have been single for two (not too mention all the other years before that) and that only in the last year I started to want to have a relationship (so beacause I wasn't supposedly looking for a relationship before, it doesn't count as being single!?), when in reality, ever since I have known myself, I wanted to be with someone. It was the idea of being in a relationship (some kind of childhood trauma, I am sure) that excited me, rather than being with someone because of who that someone was... Does it make sense? I was chasing a dream, a chimera, a notion. I wanted it so badly and at the same time, I wanted it to come my way, nice and easy. And all this time, I have forced myself to get something that was virtually impossible.

In fact, for about a year now, I have really started being single. I have given myself time, thought, care, I spent time with myself, I thought a lot, I got to know myself, I did things I enjoyed, I spent time with friends that are dear to me, I have improved the quality of my time, prioritized, went up in my career, travelled, exercised, ate goo food, went to see good movies, laughed a lot, flirted, enjoyed. Anything that came my way. And only since then, I realized I was ready to share all that with a special someone. And I have also realized that I am in no hurry. I want to find that person that will take me as a whole and live life with me, without pressure, with fun and excitement and peace. And I am giving myself time. Time to be single.


  1. wow this brought up memories...little did we know how alike we were when we were both tutored in English in a certain kitchen:)
    I must say I enjoy every piece of your writing because it's so sincere so in line with your thoughts that I can hear you speaking the words as I am reading them.
    You are not only getting back your life but also yourself. I am very proud of you, I actually told you that you'll get to this point of peaceful acceptance of enjoying what it;s to be enjoyed:)

  2. Buna Ziua!
    Eu sunt Vlad, unul dintre membrii Radio Whisper, un radio anti-manele dedicat bloggerilor si nu numai.
    Am vizionat cu atentie blogul tau si vreau sa spun ca am fost foarte fascinat de ceea ce am gasit. Am fost atras de subiectele interesante si de originalitatea articolelor. Felicitari ! Încep sa îl citesc cu drag.
    Noi promovam la radio diferite articole ale bloggerilor, iar azi am promovat un articol de-al tau ; am specificat sursa articolului si am deschis si un subiect pe baza acestuia. Daca doresti, poti sa ne recomanzi orice articol si noi îl vom promova.
    Cu scuzele de rigoare pentru acest mesaj de tip spam,acest mesaj este dedicat tie si la cei care merita care ii citim aproape zi de zi.
    Ne-ar face placere, de asemenea, sa stim ca ai dori sa ne sustii în acest proiect de radio si sa accepti o eventuala colaborare.
    Pe Radio Whisper se difuzeaza toate genurile de muzica, exceptând manele si piesele necenzurate, avem si câteva emisiuni, stiri etc. Ne-am propus sa realizam un proiect mare, iar pentru asta avem nevoie de sustinerea si ajutorul tau si al celorlalti colegi bloggeri. Dorim sa cream o echipa numeroasa, de oameni cu un talent aparte si m-am gândit ca, poate, ai vrea sa ni te alaturi si sa colaboram, binenteles, pe unul dintre domeniile care îti place. Dorim, de asemenea,sa iti acordam un scurt interviu. Pentru noi sunt importante ideile si modul de a gândi al bloggerilor si al ascultatorilor nostri.
    Îti multumesc pentru timpul acordat, iar acum îti propun sa adaugi linkul sau bannerul nostru pe blogul tau si sa ne dai add la id-ul asculta.whisper sau un email pentru a discuta mai
    Multumesc,Cu stima Vlad!
