Wednesday 25 April 2012

The relief

It came to me as a sort of a surprise to realise that although I've recently been dumped in a rather inconsiderate way, I feel better than ever.

Yes, it took a few days of feeling sorry for myself. Generally speaking my bruised ego didn't want to let go of the fact that a guy actually decided he couldn't even be bothered to dump me. So no phone call, no text, no e-mail, no pigeon, no smoke signals, no post-it, nothing. And I am a bit too experienced in the matters of the heart to start thinking he got hit by a car or had stroke (though, now that I mention, maybe he did have an accident or a stroke...) so I had to accept that he was dumping me in the worst kind of way, the silent way. Considering he confessed he had no tolerance for arguments, I reached the only possible conclusion: he avoided me hoping I would go away all by myself. Which I did.

I realised that being with a guy who made me feel insecure most of the time, not knowing how much I really mattered to him, was a torture. A torture which I gladly accepted in return for the good times we did have together. But a torture is still a torture and since being silently discarded of I feel as light as a feather. I feel that despite everything, all I really need to care about is myself and if a guy is not making me feel like the most amazing and adored woman in the world, he's really not worth the effort.What a relief!


  1. Yes, you're better off without him. Would you send me an email, Julianna? I've been wanting to get in touch, but you don't have an email in your blogger profile.

  2. Hi there, Zaki

    First of all thank you for reading my blog. There must be something good on here if it gets you coming back for more :)
    You can e-mail me on:

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

