Tuesday 9 February 2010

Settling for Mr. Right Now...

Apparently after 30 women produce only 12% of conceiving eggs. Apparently a woman wrote a book called "Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough". Her name is Lori Gottlieb. Apparently we all want the same thing, we are all as scared as anyone else and as much as I do not want to agree with the idea of stopping to look for the One just because he is a myth who has never been scietifically proved, I must say she had me thinking.

I will probably marry Mr. Good Enough in a somewhat near future because I feel I want a child to validate my life and I want my child to have a father. I will also do that because there is as much loneliness as you can swallow and as much "fun" as you can have. I will probably wait for a miracle to happen so I won't have to settle for Mr. Good Enough, but I doubt that after waiting for 30 years, a couple of more years will make any difference.

I have met men that I liked but they didn't like me, I have met men that liked me but they were not even close to Good Enough (or they haven't made the effort to come close at least) and so on. All my life has been a quest for a reasonable person (I have never had impossible standards - never asked from a man something I can't offer myself!) and still all I got in return was "Not Even Close", frustration and a loveless life! Of course I am going to keep looking, but all I am scared of is that I will end up lowering my standards so much in the light of the harsh reality that Mr. Right hasn't been born yet or is already dead, that I will end up settling for Mr. Wrong!...

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say that I feel your frustration...it's smth only a woman can understand:)
